
RealYou™ Multi-factor Recognition System

RealYou™: Industry's First Dual Iris + Real Face Recognition System

Integrating our proprietary iris recognition technology, and IdenFace3™ engines originated from our highly acclaimed AccuFACE™ product line, RealYou™ series RUS-9000 is the first system in the market that can complete 3 factors of ocular identification in a single step.

Unlike traditional iris scanners, RUS-9000 can be operated comfortably at a comfortable distance. Simply look at the screen and face plus dual iris recognition are done instantly!

RUS-9000 Feature Highlights

Highest Accuracy

authenticate real face (ocular area) plus dual iris with 99.999%+ accuracy.

Comfortable to Use

long operating distance (45~65cm). No more eye exam feeling. No more green/red light to adjust the focal distance.

Works for on Face Mask

perfect to use in laboratory, hospital, and factory where wearing face mask is required.

Intelligent Multi-factor

flexible authentication for different needs, like Iris-only, Face+Single Iris, Face+Dual Iris.

Easy to Install

stylish all-in-one housing supports wall mount, tripod mount, and desktop use.

Slim but Feature-rich

compact and slim body, equips with a RFID reader, Gigabit Ethernet, and access controller I/O.