
AccuFACE™ Facial Recognition System

AccuFACE™ EFR-T2 Series

内建可见光及红外光双镜头以及全彩LCD 触控萤幕,EFR-T2系列功能完整,适用于门禁、差勤管理、以及其他客制化的专案应用。结合精确辨识以及可靠的设计,是一款先进且高安全性的嵌入式人脸辨识系统。

  • 内建 PSP Security IdenFace2™ 非可见光辨识核心技术,具有绝佳辨识速度及精确性
  • 配备全彩相机在各种光源下精确拍摄人脸照片
  • 友善的触控萤幕并具有号码键盘功能,可节省外接式键盘的费用
  • 可与既有门禁控制器、读卡机等安控设备无缝整合
  • 具有独立操作模式(Standalone Modes)可单机进行人员管理及记录浏览。并有多国语系显示功能
  • 内建真人脸侦测功能,有效防堵照片或面具的伪造入侵

AccuFACE® Advantages


Interfaces with different readers (proximity and smart card reader, magnetic stripe card, keypad) via Wiegand interface and touch screen display

Communicates and works seamlessly with existing access control, security, and time & attendance management systems/modules

Contactless and Non-Invasive

User can operate AccuFACE without any physical contact of the system

Operational in different lighting conditions (in light or complete darkness)

Embedded System

AccuFACE is an embedded system (no external computer is required)

Minimizes chance of tampering

Energy efficient (12VDC, 1Amp)

Low total cost of ownership

Multi-Factor Authentication

Supports multiple-factor authentication (Face, RFID/proximity card, and PIN code)

User can select different security settings (1, 2 or 3 factor authentication)

Reliable and High Performance

Proven facial recognition technology currently being used at government agencies, immigration/customs checkpoints, business corporations and financial institutions

Fast and simple face positioning

Recognition within 1 second

Expandable intelligent video features

CMS software allows user to control and monitor multiple AccuFACE systems installed within a Ethernet/WAN network